Venice Venice Beach Beach

SO many cool projects! I’m going to show off quite a bit of them because I really admired a lot of you for trying this new medium/going to Venice in the rain/showin’ off your skillzzzz. Oh and saying some pretty awesome stuff in your blogs. You guys are pretty smart.
Continue reading “Venice Venice Beach Beach”

RR QS HS AU BW & RY Rock the Shark Tank!

I read the 11a peeps with last names from R-Z this week, and when I started reading Rachel Youngdale’s P5… her first sketch… of a cube!… worried me a bit… but then as I scrolled… and scrolled… and scrolled… through all the awesome content Rachel posted I was overwhelmed by what a fantastic picture she had painted of an artist and a gallery… Continue reading “RR QS HS AU BW & RY Rock the Shark Tank!”


P2 is now done and over with. Hopefully you guys were telling the truth in your P2’s and thought that it was a fun project. But unfortunately, a lot of people were docked points for not renaming and/or resizing your photos. We tried to go around on Facebook and letting you guys know whats up. Most of you guys fixed the problems, others didn’t bother.

If you haven’t already JOIN THE ART110 FACEBOOK PAGE. That is the only way you guys are going to be able to help you with what ever questions or problems that you might encounter with the project.

Anyways, it was awesome to go through your P2s; there were a lot of interesting pictures that were taken, great explanations of your experiences, and entertaining videos.

Rebekah Renovato’s P2

Rebekah made an awesome video on beach adventure!!! 😀

Natalie Rodriguez’s P2

Natalie did a fantastic job. She mad a little video while she was at the beach. Wrote about her experiences. And had great pictures as well. She truly did challenge her self by making her casts look like a heart when they came together. 

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Brandon White’s P2

Even though Brandon’s videos were all thumbs, he did describe the procedures and talk about what he though. He was extremely positive when his plaster mold of his foot suddenly turned into a boot.

There were other great ones, but these stood out to me. Good work guys and have fun reading about the infamous duo, Eva and Franco Mattes!!!